Friday, January 8, 2016

  1. What’s something you make that takes a really long time to cook?
  2. Bread. I love to bake bread and put something extra in it, like an egg, or cheese and ham or a bar of chocolate.
  3. Of books you’ve completed, which took you the most time to get from beginning to end?
  4. The Hobbit. One way or another it took me ages. Maybe because everyone was reading it and I wasn't called everyone.
  5. What’s a movie that seemed much longer than it was?
  6. I don't often see a movie. But sometimes I can't skip an invitation and then I have to be careful not to fall asleep.
  7. Who was your partner for your first slow dance?
  8. Vincent. Mrs Brpwn would say: "that was nice."
  9. What decision are you dragging your feet toward making?
  10. They want people to buy a house. As long as I don't know where life leads me I don't want to buy a house.

Graphic by Laane with graphics from Alevtina. Thanks!
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